Autoimmune diseases are increasing rapidly around the world – we can almost speak of an “epidemic”. This family of diseases includes multiple schlerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), ulcerative colitis, Hashimoto’s disease, and dozens more.
The terrible irony of this upsurge in autoimmune diseases is that conventional medicine considers all of them to be “idiopathic”– a term that means “cause unknown”. What all autoimmune disorders share is a base of inflammation and a highly disordered immune response, in which the immune system attacks cells that should not trigger any such action. Since conventional medicine ignores the potential causes, it just treats the symptoms, including suppression of the immune system with powerful drugs.
Years ago the orthodox treatment was based on cortisone. Today more aggressive regimens may include anti-inflammatory (antiphlogistic) drugs, chemotherapy (to suppress the immune system), or new and extremely expensive antibody therapies such as Humira. All these medications have significant adverse side effects in long term use – and that is precisely the problem for those who suffer from an autoimmune disease.
By contrast, our biological medicine is incredibly successful in the treatment of these diseases. Why? Because we recognize the whole organism and understand the interplay of the many factors that gave rise to the immune disorder in the first place. We always focus on the intestine as the main regulator of the immune system and as the primary “catering service” to sustain bodily cells.
Our treatments are extremely individualized: we do not treat the diagnosis – no, we treat people and their etiologies.After an exhaustive diagnostic program, we eliminate the contributing factors one by one. These typically include dental foci, food allergies, mineral-, vitamin- and trace element deficiencies, electromagnetic stress, dysbiosis, toxicity, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, and so on.
This approach normalizes the digestive system and the related immune response, and allows us to turn our attention to rejuvenating the body and the overall immune system. Patients improve quickly. Most of our multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, for example, no longer experience any acute phases and many of them recover fully. In ulcerative colitis, we see more than 60% of all patients recover completely, and practically all of them experience great improvement.
This combination of therapies enhances the patient’s cellular metabolism so that the body regains the ability to heal itself and resolve the autoimmune disorder within a few weeks. The drugs our patients have usually been described can be reduced step by step and often, after some months of treatment, can be stopped completely. Patients are mostly able to resume a normal life.