Metabolic disorders are another category of chronic and degenerative diseases that is increasing rapidly. Diabe-tes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and a host of other glandular problems are nearly epidemic in the developed world. From a biological perspective, metabolic disorders lead to even more serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Yet conventional medicine has little success in treating– much less aiming to cure – patients with metabolic problems.
The problem is that conventional medicine is unable to identify the underlying causes and thus declares a large share of these conditions to be “idiopathic”, i.e. of unknown cause. A high cholesterol level, for instance, is only treated by counteracting its symptoms with so-called statins, without the actual causes ever being examined. Of course, cholesterol blockers suppress the liver’s production of cholesterol and thus lower the respective blood level in lab tests but it also deprives the body of a component essential for cell wall formation, the production of sex and stress hormones and some essential vitamins, which materially affects other physical and metabolic functions. The symptom is controlled, but the underlying causes continue to hurt the health of the patient.
With the exception of patients with rare genetic defects, metabolic disorders are caused by stress and chronic inflammation of the relevant organs and glands. By the time the metabolic symptoms appear, there’s been substantial damage to body’s regulatory systems. The issue fort the biological physician is therefore to deter-mine exactly which functions are affected. We accomplish this through a comprehensive diagnostic process, which then serves as the basis for a personalized approach to treatment. In biological medicine we not only determine the underlying causes, we accelerate the healing that occurs when those causes are resolved.
The autonomic nervous system as connecting link
The digestive and glandular systems are closely related to the autonomic nervous system, which is also called the “abdominal brain”. It consists of two parts, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic, which control all our involuntary body functions and must be rhythmically balanced with one another for our metabolism and im-mune systems to function properly. At Paracelsus we are able to measure this balance in a unique way via tools that assess what is known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV).
By eliminating all influencing factors (e.g. dental foci, food allergies, mineral, vitamin and trace element deficien-cies, electromagnetic stress, disorders of the autonomic nervous system, etc. more than 80% of all patients we treat for these basic disorders fully recover. Virtually all of our metabolic patients significantly improve thanks to our medicines, without having to take the drugs commonly prescribed that involve adverse side effects. With diabetes patients, the insulin dose they need can frequently be reduced. But especially the quality of life and overall well-being improve immensely.